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Japanese titles (black, bold) may become gibberish if you
don't have Japanese fonts.
English titles are translated by Hiroko Kato so most of
them are not the formal ones. If you need to know how to read
Japanese titles, please send me a message via feedback
「ベジタリアンの健康学」蒲原聖可 丸善ライブラリー 760円
Becoming Healthy Vegetarian, Seika Kamohara,
PhD., Maruzen Library, 1999, 760 yen |
Becoming Healthy Vegetarian, Seika Kamohara, PhD., Maruzen
Library, 1999, 760 yen In this book, the author, Dr. Kamohara,
who studied in Rockfeller University, NY, covers from the
reasons to be vegetarians to the advantages of vegetarian
diets. The writing is slightly too professional, though, it
is easy to understand the essential points. He also gives
clear answers to the questions such as if vegetarians could
take enough nutritions, what microbiotics is, and so on. ISBN:4621052845

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「ベジ・ダイニング」キャサリン・マクレーン&ジェラルド・マクレーン&藤本エドワード モーリス・カンパニー
Vege-dining, Kathryn J. McLane, RN and Gerald D. McLane, DrPh,
MPH, FAPCA, and Edward Fujimoto, DrPh, MPH, Morris Company,
2002, 3,800 yen |
The audiences of this book are supposed to be professional
chefs but even novices of cooking world would appreciate it
that the book shows lots of helpful information about vegetarian
health. For example, the idea of USDA's Food Guide Pyramid
is introduced and above all, Dr. Fujimoto suggests the way
of Japanese style vegetarian diet. It is remarkable since
most vegetarian books published in the U.S. can't satisfy
those requests how much they were written well. Actually "Vege-dining"
is based on McLanes' "Tastefully Vegan:Creative Vegetarian
Cooking," but besides added nutritional information for Japanese
vegetarians (or who want to try Japanese foods as vegetarians),
there are several arrangements, such as the company list that
offer vegetarian/vegan food here. You'll also find the recipes
(all vegan) with full of variety from Western style to ethnic
cooking are very useful to evolve your skills.

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「おいしい精進料理」 料理製作・石澤清美 大泉書店 1200円
Tasteful Zen Buddhist Vegetarian, cooked by Kiyomi Ishizawa,
Ohizumi Shoten, 2000, 1,200 yen
This is the book for everyday recipes of Japanese-style vegetarian
cooking. Most recipes are very simple including how to prepare
Japanese vegetarian soup stock (DASHI) so that you can easily
make many traditional Japanese dishes from miso soup to tasted
steamed vegetables (NIMONO). It is fun to see Japanese festive
dishes arranged vegetarian way as well. There is the Buddhist
temple restaurant guide around Japan that you can enjoy vegan
dishes. ISBN:4278037368

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「精進豆料理」『サライ』編集部編 小学館 1500円
Bean Book for Zen Buddhists, "SARAI" magazine, Shogakkan, 1997,
1,500 yen |
KOEI HOSHINO, an Abbess at Sanko-in Temple and co-author
of "Zen Vegetarian Cooking" (translated in English, Kodansha
International), guides us to profound Zen Buddhist vegetarian
cooking world, especially focusing beans. You'll be amazed
how rich, colorful, satisfying beans can be just by seeing
full-color pictures. It is also a great book for tofu lovers
who seek for authentic way of cooking. Some of the recipes
require time-consuming preparations but it is possible to
find many helpful tips to eat beans/tofu products healthy,
tastful way. ISBN:4093430667

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「精進百撰」 水上勉 岩波書店 2000円
Zen Buddhist Vegetarin Recipes 100, Tsutomu Mizukami, Iwanami
Shoten, 1997, 2,000 yen
Mr. Mizukami, a famous writer, shows simple, but energetic
vegan recipes that he learned in his childhood staying a Zen
Buddhist temple in Kyoto. There are some vegan cooking books
written by REAL Zen Buddhist monks but I strongly recommend
this as the best. The main reason is his recipes look much
more delicious than others'. That's probably because he could
pick up very fresh vegetables from his fields in Nagano instead
of supermarkets. Another powerful reason is he is recovered
from heart attacks by this vegan diets. Mr. Mizukami is now
in late 70s but he is still in good condition. This is also
a good book for those who want to know about Japanese vegetables
and way of cookings.

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「マザーアース・キッチン」 鶴田静 柴田書店 2800円
Mother Earth Kitchen, Shizuka Tsuruta, Shibata Shoten, 1997,
2,800 yen |
This is one of the collections of Ms. Tsuruta's vegetarian
books. For more than twenty years, she introduces Western
way of vegetarian lives to Japanese people as a writer, translater,
and vegetarian chef. She now lives in the countryside, two
hours away from Tokyo, harvesting vegetables in her own fields
with her husband, Edward Levinson, a photographer. Before
"Mother Earth Kitchen," Ms. Tsuruta published a cooking book
titled "Vegetarian Cooking (in Japanese also)" but the recipes
are simpler and more beautiful in "Mother Earth Kitchen."
To consider vegetarianism in Japan, her another book "Vegetarian
Miyazawa Kenji" (Shobunsha) will be very impressive. Also,
"Vegetarian No Bunkashi (or Historical Vegetarians East and
West"(Shobunsha) is strongly recommended to learn vegetarian
history from Pythagoras, Mohandas Gandhi to John Lennon.

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「新版 ぼくが肉を食べないわけ」ピーター・コックス 築地書館 2200円 NEW!
The New Why You Don't Need Meat, Peter Cox, Tsukiji Shokan,
1998, 2,200 yen |
This is the Japanese translation of "The New
Why You Don't Need Meat," published by Bloomsbury Publishing
Ltd in 1992. I know a young woman who stopped eating meat because
of this book. The author, Peter Cox, is vocal enough to make
readers understand the reasons we never need meat. If you have
trouble with explaining your Japanese friends why you are a
vegetarian, you can simply show them this book.

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「ドキュメント 屠場」 鎌田慧 岩波新書 660円
Slaughter House in Japan, Satoshi Kamata, Iwanami Shinsho, 1998,
660 yen |
I should say there are many differences between
Japan and the U.S. on vegetarianism as well as other issues.
One of them is the system of slaughter houses. Satoshi Kamata,
an award-winning journalist, describes it with vivid examples
of slaughters who had been historically discriminated in Japan
since the job of killing animals was considered as "unclean."
Their professionalism, seasoned skills, and the sense of unity
with other slaughters give us food for thoughs before simply
protesting slaughter houses in Japan. ISBN:4004305659

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