info for vegetarians
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Tokyo Vegetarian-friendly
Restaurant Guide
Diary - Living in Tokyo
as a Semi-Vegan
Recommended Readings
Written in Japanese
Articles about Vegetarianism
written by Hiroko Kato
Online Vegetarian/Vegan Handouts
Shopping Guide
Good News & Good News
Links for Vegetarians
Vegan means that the restaurant is completely vegan or has some vegan choices.
$=less than 1,000yen $$= 1,000yen - 3,000yen
$$$=3,000yen-5,000yen $$$$= more than 5,000yen

Dhaba India (Kyobashi)
Indian $$

2-7-9, Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3272-7160

Mon-Fri 11:15-15:00(L.O.14:30),17:00-23:00(L.O.22:00)
Saturday, Sunday, and holidays 12:00-15:00(L.O.14:30), 17:00-22:00(L.O.21:15)
Open daily

good for vegetarians, good for vegans if they have the time to adjust their recipes (e.g. remove ghee or yogurt). Sunday and Monday evening were the best times to request.
My food was good and very fresh, and the chefs took pleasure in being able to prepare strictly vegetarian food.
Copyright (C) 2002 Hiroko Kato, Tomoko Kinukawa(designer).All rights reserved.