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Vegan means that the restaurant is completely vegan or has some vegan choices.
$=less than 1,000yen $$= 1,000yen - 3,000yen
$$$=3,000yen-5,000yen $$$$= more than 5,000yen

Elim (Ogikubo)
Lacto-Ovo $$ CLOSED

3-7-14, Ogikubo, Suginami-ku

10:00-18:00 (Monday-Thursday)
10:00-14:00 (Friday)

Closed Saturday/Sunday

Vegetarian Buffet 1,200yen

The restaurant is owned by a Seventh Day Adventist hospital, TOKYO EISEI BYOIN.

=Info from Sachin= (May, 2005)
It seems that the restaurant is now closed.
The name may be changed but the hospital opens a vegetarian cafeteria.

Copyright (C) 2002 Hiroko Kato, Tomoko Kinukawa(designer).All rights reserved.