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Vegan means that the restaurant is completely vegan or has some vegan choices.
$=less than 1,000yen $$= 1,000yen - 3,000yen
$$$=3,000yen-5,000yen $$$$= more than 5,000yen

Ichinotani (Suehiro-cho)
(stew style dish special for sumo wrestlers)

2-10-2 Soto Kanda, Chiyoda-ku

17:30-23:00 (Monday-Friday)
17:30-22:00 (Saturday),
Closed Sunday and holidays.

= HY Kim's comment =
We went to ichinotani, and it was vegeterian friendly, but not vegan (due to the egg). Beautiful vegetables, tofu, konnyaku, and tsumere made from cubes of tofu and konnyaku, mushrooms and other mountain vegetables.
The broth is made from Hokkaido's finest konbu.
Served with pickles, and ending with the egg/rice porridge made with the remaining broth.
The address says 2-10-2, but we found it on the 2-13 block of Soto Kanda. we got very confused. If you find your way
to 2-10-2 and see a Fugu place, it is on that street, keep looking.
The restaurant is a corner building, two stories.

Copyright (C) 2002 Hiroko Kato, Tomoko Kinukawa(designer).All rights reserved.