info for vegetarians
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Tokyo Vegetarian-friendly
Restaurant Guide
Diary - Living in Tokyo
as a Semi-Vegan
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Articles about Vegetarianism
written by Hiroko Kato
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Links for Vegetarians
Vegan means that the restaurant is completely vegan or has some vegan choices.
$=less than 1,000yen $$= 1,000yen - 3,000yen
$$$=3,000yen-5,000yen $$$$= more than 5,000yen

It's Vegetable (Kinshicho)
Taiwanese Vegetarian $-$$

4-1-9 Kinshi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Phone&Fax: 03-3625-1245

11:00~14:00 Y850's all you can eat buffet is only available
18:00~20:00 Y1200's all you can eat buffet or a la carte from Y250 dish.

= K. Kubota's comment =
I've recently become vegetarian and start eating at this restaurant almost everyday. They don't cook meat, fish, eggs, nor onions, garlics. The owner chef is from Taiwan and she's been vegetarian since she gave birth to her daughter twenty years ago. It's a small, cozy place to relax with the owner and her daughter's smile. Very delicious and you can take out
dishes as well.

Copyright (C) 2002 Hiroko Kato, Tomoko Kinukawa(designer).All rights reserved.